I’m always on the lookout for well written Excel tips for crunching large amounts of data.  Seems many of the litigators I know need to analyze large datasets.  Allen Wyatt’s ExcelTips Online is a terrific resource.  He offers a weekly e-mail newsletter, and 2 RSS feeds – Daily Nuggets and the Weekly Classic.

Check out this tip – Deriving Monthly Median Values – the example looks at sixty years worth of data and offers two strategies for finding the monthly median value.  He explains as he goes, which makes his tips even more valuable.  I believe you could take this tip and run with it to suit your needs.

I’m Back

September 13, 2006

Yes, I’m finally back. After weeks of illness, back troubles, and juggling work, interspersed with trying to bring a renovated vacation rental cabin to market, getting married, and then dealing with my husband’s knee injury, I’m finally able to think about posting to this blog.

Thanks to the friends and loyal readers who dropped me a note of concern. It was much appreciated and made the days brighter.

Onward and upward!